The workplace – and workforce – are changing. Gone are the days of halls teeming with full-time, on-site employees. Today’s workforce is increasingly populated with contingent, temporary, and part-time workers who provide vital services, yet are under the employment and management of staffing companies and talent management organisations. Moreover, many workers in this ‘floating generation’ are used to being independent and are unaccustomed to traditional full-time employment. These contingent workers are critical to the growth of many 21st century organisations, but are forcing hard decisions on employers.
This white paper will explore how ‘traditional’ employers must recognise this trend, spot the opportunities for workplace enhancement and take a holistic view of their workforce. Success in this new world order begins by ceasing to segregate employees by category (temporary, temp-to-permanent, permanent) and instead embracing a more transparent view of the workers and this changing workforce reality to maximise returns on their HR investment.