At the start of 2016, our IT client received a new shareholder for their managed services program’s (MSP) non-US countries/regions (Canada, EMEA, and India). Given the new shareholder now sat at the same location as the US-based shareholder, Allegis Global Solutions (AGS) began working with both shareholders to review and better align key performance indicators (KPIs), with the goal of creating reporting metrics that could be streamlined across the program.
As a result, one major difference that was identified was the use of business days versus calendar days when tracking performance metrics, including time-to- source, time-to-fill, and time-to-decide. Given the US was using business days while all other countries were using calendar days for time-intelligence metrics, the US MSP program appeared to have better average cycle times than other countries (sometimes by more than three days). This not only served to inflate time intelligence metrics for the US program and create issues with supplier scorecards, but greatly impacted AGS’ ability to provide accurate speed metrics for our clients via our data intelligence solution program, ACUMEN. Thus, AGS needed to adopt a one-size-fits all approach for reporting these metrics.
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